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Here’s how DokuMet QDA/AI works
- Generate automatic interpretations
- Easily organize and integrate your own materials
- Set your own focus (customizable prompt architecture)
- Choose from different models (GPT-4, Mistral, Claude 3.5)
- Data hosted in the EU with Mistral
- Additional models (e.g., Llama) in development
Ready to sign up for a membership?
Save two months of base fees with annual payment!**
DokuMet QDA/AI
Sie entscheiden, wie Sie DokuMet QDA/AI nutzen wollen.
10 €
inkl. 3 € Sofort-Guthaben*
- Nutzen Sie KI für Ihre Forschung
- Jederzeit kündbar
- Alle Ergebnisse downloadbar
- Daten in der EU mit Mistral
- Kein Training der Modelle mit Ihren Daten
- Neuste KI-Modelle aufrufbar
Need more information?
Feel free to contact us at
* Each interpretation uses processing power ("tokens"), which we purchase ourselves. Your subscription includes €3 worth of tokens per month. If you need more, you can buy additional tokens.
** You pay €100 instead of €120 (gross) with an annual plan. The contract renews for another year at the end of each period.